Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jesse Jackson

For my blog today I'am going to talk about Black History Month. For my blog I'm tell you about Jesse Jackson. I'm going to tell you who he was and what he did that was important to Black History Month.

Jesse Jackson was born in 1941 Greenville, South Carolina. He graduated in a high school called sterling high school. He has got a football degree in the university of Illinois and then he transferred to the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro. He became active in sit ins. Sit ins is when he protested about being unable to eat or drink there.  
North Carolina 

In 1965 Jesse Jackson met Martin Luther King Jr. Jesse Jackson met him at the Selma March a effort to register black voters. In 1962 Jesse Jackson was a leader of the Chicago branch of operation breadbasket. That program tried to give opportunities of jobs to blacks. He was very good leading the Chicago branch of operation breadbasket.   

In 1979 he decided to take place in the civil rights movement. He went to Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria to make peace. Later he created peace in the middle east. Later in 1984 he ran for President. He did not make it but he had 450 delegates and had way more than Shirley Chisholm. He believed that the government should spend more money on people instead of weapons for war. In 1988 he ran for president again and did way better. He had gotten 1200 votes but he did not get chosen for president.

 And that was my blog on Jesse Jackson



Monday, February 27, 2012

Inner Planets

For my blog post I'm going to talk about the inner planets. I'm going to talk about what the inner planets have in common and the different kinds of atmospheres in the inner planets. I'm even going to tell you why Venus is hotter than Mercury and why there is life on Earth and not on the other planets. 
The four inner planets 
The four inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are similar because they are made out of rocky materials like rock and they are the closest to the sun. The inner planets are also called the terrestrial planets because they are all made out of rock and metals and the planets have a solid outer layer.
This is what the inner planets  might look like
Mercury is the closest to the sun but not the hottest planet. Mercury is also the smallest planet. Mercury has no atmosphere because its gravitational pull is not strong enough to hold the gases close to it surface. Mercury has no atmosphere because its mass is so small. If Mercury has no atmosphere then there is no wind on mercury. 

Venus is the second farthest from the sun and the hottest planet. Venus is hotter than Mercury because Venus atmosphere is so dense it is 100x denser than earths so all the gases and heat gets tapped in Venus. Heat gets trapped on Venus and Venus gets so hot that even when it's nighttime its still almost 460 degrees c. 97% of Venus's atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide. Venus's clouds are made out of vaporized acid so it can burn through steel.
Earth is the only known planet with liquid water and life living on it. A small amount of gas and water vapor helps make up Earth's atmosphere. Earth is the third farthest from the sun and is about 1.00 Astronomical Units away from the sun and Earth only has one moon. Earth is the only known planet with life on it because in order to have life you have to have water and air. The temperature of the planet has to be just right so life can not burn to death.   
Mars is called the red planet because of the iron rocks which creates a rusty dust on the planet. Mars atmosphere is thin and is about 90 percent carbon dioxide.  The planet has two moons Phobos and Deimos which might be two captured asteroids. The average temperature on Mars is about 55degrees Celsius. Scientist think there might be life on mars and they think that because of the frozen ice caps on Mars.  

Monday, February 13, 2012


For my blog I'm going to talk about space and our solar system. I'm going to tell you about what a planet is and the difference between a inner planet and a outer planet. I will compare and contrast a period of revolution and a period of rotation. I will tell you much more about the space and our solar system and how it works.                                                                                                                                              

Planets are celestial body's that orbit around a star. Inner planets are different from the the outer planets because the inner planets are made out of rocks, minerals, and metals similar to the Earth. The Inner Planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Earth. The Outer Planets are mostly trapped gases like Helium, Hydrogen, and water and they are just the rest of the planets in our solar system except Pluto.    
A period of rotation is the amount of time for an object to rotate on its axis. A period of revolution is the amount of time when something orbits around an object. They are similar by rotating around something and rotation is different because it means to rotate on something but revolution means to rotate around something. 

Dwarf planets are similar to planets because to be dwarf planet it would have to be orbiting something and be almost round like a planet. Dwarf planets are different from planets by their shape and size because dwarf planets are smaller than planets and are not usually round as the planets.      

A planet's shape of an orbit is elliptical. Elliptical is a curved shape and the obits shape can be a oval. Planets orbit the sun by the sun's gravitational pull and nothing really can stop it because the gravitational pull is so strong. The closer the planet is to the sun the faster the orbit is because the planet would have to travel a less distance and the planets farther away obits slower because it has a much longer distance to travel.Asteroids are rocks orbiting the sun and are made out of minerals and rocks. Comets are body's that contain ice and dust that go extremely fast.   
shape of an orbit
this is an asteroid 
this is an comet

click here for asteroids 
click here for comets

And that was my post on space!!!